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The Beginner’s Guide to Topical CBD Oil and its Surprising Benefits 

Plant Diva Topical

The use of CBD topical oil for pain management is not a recent phenomenon. It’s been used as the go-to treatment for managing pain, skin rashes, and inflammation for hundreds by ancient cultures including Chinese and Indian civilizations. Before we dive into the numerous benefits of CBD topicals, it would help to define what they actually mean. 


What are CBD Topicals? 


CBD topicals, as the name suggests, are topicals infused with CBD. They are externally applied to a specific area of the body where they are absorbed by the skin receptors. Because the skin receptors are in direct contact with the cannabinoids, the response is often quick, providing localized relief to pain, soreness, tension, and inflammation. 

To manage intense pain, it is recommended to try CBD topicals that combine the deep painkilling properties of cannabinoids with a soothing sensation. 


The absorbed CBD does not enter the bloodstream but proves highly effective. To further understand this phenomenon, we have to discuss the role of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) with the skin.  

Understanding the Role of ECS in the Skin 


Our endocannabinoid system has vast reservoirs of CB2 and CB1 receptors distributed throughout our skin cells. Exposure to topical CBD activates the cannabinoid receptors and regulates normal functions of the skin. 

When CB2 and CB1 receptors are engaged, these functions of the epidermal cells are modified, whether through differentiation, apoptosis, or proliferation – all of which are important processes for the physical defense of the body. 


Because of how ECS interacts with CBD, a liberal application of CBD topical is enough to reach the cannabinoid receptors through the pores in the skin without the need to reach the bloodstream. 


The Surprising Benefits of CBD Topicals 


As mentioned earlier, the CBD oil is in direct contact with skin receptors, which allows for a fast and expedient response. Unlike other forms of CBD, which have to be processed through the lungs or digestive tract (often losing their effectiveness along the way), topical cannabinoids never reach the bloodstream.  Besides relief from pain and inflammation, the topical use of CBD oil can bring about several benefits to the skin.


Let’s take a cursory look at some of the advantages of CBD topical oil.


1. Anti-Aging


Aging takes an incredible toll on our skin, the biggest organ in the body. Due to lack of care, aging, use of drugs, and other factors, the skin begins to look dull, unhealthy, wrinkled, and lackluster. This is why the cosmetic industry has grown into a thriving a billion-dollar, marketing anti-aging creams, lotions, and ointments. Most of these products contain harmful chemicals and are not nearly as effective as CBD oil products. 


Some studies show CBD oil is a powerful antioxidant that can play a pivotal role in keeping your skin healthy and refreshed. Its antioxidant properties can minimize visible aging. This is often through counteracting damage done due to free radicals. 


Perhaps more importantly, CBD topicals are gentle on the skin and cause few side effects. The same cannot be said about going down the pharmacological route or skincare products. In other words, not only does it make your skin look better, but also boosts your overall health. It’s a win-win.


2. Managing Psoriasis


Psoriasis is a skin disorder that causes the cells to multiply rapidly, creating scale-like patches on the surface of the skin. These patches often appear as red and inflamed. In advanced cases, over 10% to 30% of people with psoriasis may develop psoriatic arthritis, a chronic illness that causes pain. 


There is no cure for psoriasis, and it can be difficult to manage with drug intervention without encountering side effects. Many people struggling with psoriasis are now turning to cannabinoids to mitigate their symptoms. The topical use of CBD oil has been shown to manage the painful conditions of psoriasis. 


A 2007 study found that cannabinoids could treat psoriasis by stopping the buildup of skin cells. A recent review published in 2019 found that cannabinoids could play a role in managing psoriasis, but that more research was still needed to know for sure.


3. Managing Acne-Prone Skin 


There is a growing body of evidence (anecdotal and otherwise) suggesting that CBD oil could be helpful for acne. How it works on any person varies based on an individual case, such as the type of acne a person has and its root causes. Either way, CBD oil can reduce acne symptoms by adjusting how the body produces sebum. 


Sebum is an oily, waxy substance that the skin makes for protection from the outside world. However, it can mix with dead skin cells, dirt, or other pollutants that are trapped inside the pores. The cogged pore than develop into acne. It’s a vicious cycle. 


CBD works by targeting the cells that trigger acne, thus mitigating its effects. The result is that it allows the skin to heal itself without going through any form of dryness or irritation. 


4. Dealing with Dry and Wrinkly Skin


The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD oil can be used to treat dry and wrinkly skin. The moisturizing effects of CBD oil may reduce skin peeling, rough patches, and cracks. More importantly, its powerful skin-calming and skin-normalizing properties can mitigate issues common in sensitive skins, such as reactivity and redness. Since all skin types are affected by environmental stressors, CBD topical oil can keep everyone’s skin in check.


5. Managing Eczema


Eczema can be a source of stress and frustration for those suffering from it. The condition makes a victim’s life uncomfortable and difficult because of frequent and intense itchiness. It may get to a point that a person is unable to enjoy normal everyday activities, such as going out in the sun or physical exercise because it could flare up their symptoms. For obvious reasons, this can have drastic repercussions on a person’s quality of life. 


Eczema affects nearly 15 million Americans and mostly affects young children. Despite being widespread, there is no definitive cure for this skin disorder yet. However, the strong correlation between CBD and the endocannabinoid system allows its use in managing eczema. CBD does this by activating CB2 receptors in the skin, which regulates itching and soothes the skin.


Wrapping Up


CBD oil has numerous benefits for the skin and can be used to manage pain. We’re not suggesting, by any stretch of the imagination, that CBD will cure your specific ailment. But there is enough anecdotal evidence along with scientific research that indicates the likelihood of a positive response among most individuals. 


It is worth pointing out that there is a large inter-individual variability on how people react to CBD topical oil for pain. Your response may be different than what may be commonly reported, or there may be no response at all. But given the lack of debilitating side effects and the fact that it doesn’t cause euphoric reactions, it is worth trying. 


Make sure to purchase CBD topical oil from a reliable retailer such as Nothing But Hemp. Nothing But Hemp is one of the leading suppliers of premium-quality CBD products in the country.  


Call (651) 330-9810 to speak with one of their representatives and learn more about how CBD can help you.


Disclaimer: CBD topicals should not be used as a substitute for medication prescribed by a doctor, especially if the disease is serious or life-threatening. If you’re on medication, make sure to consult with your doctor to learn if CBD could interact with the drugs.  

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