“According to anecdotal evidence and science, CBD oil tackles stress like a 300-pound football player” [1]

CBD oil and Serotonin 

In these days of ever-increasing high octane living, we are all subject to some degree of stress. - But when the stress becomes out of control and chronic, then we are deprived of our health and happiness. And it even affects those around us, especially our families.

Miraculously, CBD (cannabidiol) oil which is derived from hemp, is straight from Mother Nature. This much in-demand hemp oil works to ensure that our happy feel-good hormone, serotonin, and other helpful chemicals are made available to the body. And although CBD is not actually responsible for generating these chemicals, it does make them more accessible, thereby allowing the body to use them more effectively, so it can achieve a natural balance [1].


Braining Up With CBD oil

CBD oil has been shown to stimulate cell growth (neurogenesis) within the brain. The exciting news is that medical research trials have indicated that the hippocampus area of the brain shrinks in individuals who are suffering from serious anxiety and depression, but after the administration of hemp oil to participants with this condition, neuro-imaging has shown an increase in the hippocampus region [1].


The Low Down on Endocannabiniols

If you have been asking yourself why CBD oil is so good at reducing stress, you will be pleased to know that there is actually a scientific biological explanation. All mammals including human beings, have something called an endocannabinoid system: “This network of CBD receptors is located along our central nervous system. When we take CBD, it engages these receptors and communicates with the rest of the body to fix imbalances, from sharpening our immune response to regulating anxiety, stress and pain sensation” [1].

Just as with other adaptogens (non-toxic substances, especially those from plant extracts, that are used to promote homeostasis, and stabilize physiological processes, and the damaging effects of stress), CBD supplements deliver molecules which are able to detect what our body needs, so they can work to set positive regulatory changes into motion.


The Cumulative Effects of CBD Oil

Just like most things, cannabidiol takes time to act, and the more that it builds up in our bodies, the greater effect it will have on our stress levels. This is why CBD supplements come in daily doses, which are usually in monthly packs or bottles, etc. They are simple to take, and offer a variety of different methods, such as capsules, to suit your preferences and lifestyle. They also come on different mg levels, so that you can begin with a low dose, and then, if necessary, work your way up, according to your needs. 

You may see that your stress level plummets after using CBD oil just once.  However, the majority of people, achieve the best outcome with a daily dose. And of course, you may also be interested in the multiple benefits that hemp oil gives you – so you are really getting fantastic value for money. 


[1]. The Chalkboard (2017). “CBD for stress: here's why the wellness trend is here to stay.” 
