After decades of prohibition and a recent resurgence, cannabis agriculture is taking off the kid gloves with a new degree program offered at a Colorado state college.
Colorado State University at Pueblo recently announced a new major in Cannabis, Biology and Chemistry. Through the new educational program, students would be able to learn the ins and outs of cannabis science in the state that has pioneered medical and recreational marijuana and the CBD trade.
“It’s a rigorous degree geared toward the increasing demand coming about because of the cannabis industry,” David Lehmpuhl, CSU Dean of Science and Mathematics, told the Denver Post. [1]
“Hemp and marijuana has really come to the forefront in a lot of economic sectors in the country. We’re not pro-cannabis or anti-cannabis. What we’re about will be the science and training students to look at that science.” [1]
According to the Denver Post, the school also plans to open a new cannabinoid research center in Fort Collins. [1]
U.S. News and World Report says in 2019, the University of Maryland-Baltimore’s pharmacy school started to offer America’s first master’s of science program for medical cannabis.
Both UCLA and UC-Berkeley have cannabis research centers and programs, according to reporting from UPI. [3]
“We kind of looked at the industry, and the sector as a whole, and what was needed for students to get jobs,” Lehmpuhl told Quartz. “We have a lot of businesses in the area that are clamoring for workers.” [4]
Lehmpuhl told the Denver Post another central goal of the program is to train experts and professionals in the industry who can help regulators create reasonable and intelligent rules rather than laws or restrictions that overlook key parts of a new and dynamic industry. [1]
Dean Lehmpuhl told UPI the program features a curriculum of straight biological and chemistry courses rather than dwelling too much on the niche marijuana and cannabis issues. "This is not a 'how to grow marijuana'-type degree at all. This is a science degree.” [3]
[1] https://www.denverpost.com/2020/02/08/csu-pueblo-cannabis-degree/
[4] https://qz.com/1802904/heres-colorado-state-universitys-weed-degree-curriculum/