There’s a red-headed stranger in the seemingly unstoppable CBD industry.
Famed country-western singer and decades-long advocate of marijuana rights, Willie Nelson, recently announced he is starting his own CBD brand. The first creation of his efforts is Willie’s Remedy, a whole bean coffee blend infused with the non-psychoactive hemp extract.
The Texas-based Star-Telegram reported this week that the new blend of coffee made by the legendary songwriter is now available for purchase in all 50 states after the passage of the 2018 farm bill, which legalized hemp as an agricultural product. [1]
Coffee blends are just one of the many forms CBD can take, and as the industry booms in popularity other products include vape oils, bath bombs, dog treats and skin lotions. One reason users enjoy CBD coffees is because they combine the jittery, energetic impulse of coffee with smooth relaxing addition of a CBD dose.
The 8-oz. bags of Willie’s Remedy whole coffee beans carry with them a price consonant with their celebrity endorsement, selling at $36 per bag.
Still, Nelson’s endorsement could prove a key landmark as more and more star power is drawn to advocate and profit from the relatively new bust wildly growing CBD industry.
Us Weekly recently reported that other A-listers are die-hard fans of CBD, among them Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts and Olivia Wilde. [2]
According to the announcement of Willie’s Remedy, “The whole bean, small batch brew is infused with full spectrum CBD oil derived from American sourced and organically grown hemp. Each 8-ounce cup of coffee features 5 mg of CBD.”
Willie Nelson is now 85, but that hasn’t slowed him down a bit. On top of the branch-out into CBD, Nelson has released eight full-length studio albums, including a two-part collection of demos, since the start of 2016.
From the Star-Telegram:
“‘Hemp production in America was stifled for so long, but it could now make all the difference for small independent farmers,’ Nelson, said in a news release. ‘Hemp isn’t just good for our farmers and our economy, it’s good for our soil, our environment-and our health.’” [1]
According to Nelson’s statements, Willie’s Remedy is just the start of a more extensive CBD product line, and American consumers can expect a whole lot more from the Highwayman.
As CBD grows in both popularity across the country, and in scrutiny with regulator crack-downs and overreactions to new industry leaders in places like New York and Ohio, it’s ever more important for celebrities to lend their influence in the fight to keep CBD access for all.
The more stars endorse and promote CBD products, the easier it will be to keep the industry so many of us love and rely on alive and well.
[1] https://www.star-telegram.com/news/state/texas/article225542440.html
[2] https://www.usmagazine.com/stylish/pictures/celebs-who-love-cbd-beauty-jennifer-aniston-more/